We are still accepting applications for the 2024 – 2025 school year! For particular grade openings, please contact the school office.

Grades 1-7
Thank you for your interest in École Notre Dame des Victoires. We look forward to meeting you and your child and introducing you to the Notre Dame des Victoires community!
Students at École Notre Dame des Victoires (NDV) come from different and far-reaching neighborhoods throughout San Francisco, as well as from various cities within the greater Bay Area. The administration and the faculty welcome a diverse student population thus creating a rich academic environment for all its students. NDV does not discriminate on the basis of race, national and/or ethnic origin, sex, or disability in its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic programs, or other school-administered programs.
We encourage you to attend some of the many school activities and community events. In particular, our annual fundraiser, the Bal de Paris is a spectacular event with raffle and live art auction benefitting NDV. Attending the Bal de Paris, or any of the many events will give you a flavor for NDV’s singular community.
Step By Step Instructions
Inquiry Form
Please begin the process by completing the NDV Inquiry Form. The information you will be asked to provide will help us learn about you and your family. We will keep you informed of future school events, as well as admission dates and timeline. Once you have submitted the inquiry form, you will be asked to sign up for a school tour.
Submit Your Application
To begin the application process, please click the “Create an Account” tab at the top of this page to create an application account. From there, you will be instructed to create a login, password, and verify your email via a message to your email account.
You have the flexibility to log in and out of your application account without losing your data as it will autosave. There will be a green check mark for each section once you have completed all required fields.
- Review and Submit Application
Once all required fields of the application are complete, you must select “Review and Submit.” Please note you will be asked to upload a copy of the applicants birth certificate, baptismal (if applicable), and current immunization record.
- Request/Submit Required Documents
All transfer applicants are required to submit an evaluation from their current school and the previous two years of educational transcripts, including report card, standardized testing, and any professional pyschoeducational reports.
Application submissions are encouraged by January 31st and will be accepted and processed beginning September 1st for August 2024 placement. Mid year transfers are accepted.
Please contact the Director of Admissions for additional questions or concerns.
Student Evaluation
Upon completion of the online application and supporting documents, which includes 2 years of report cards and test scores. The application will be reviewed by the Director of Admission, and should there by an opening, a student shadow is mandatory and will be scheduled. On the day of the shadow, the student will be asked to take an assessment. If there is not an opening, your application can be put on the “waitlist.”
Please contact the Director of Admissions for any additional questions or concerns.
Notification Letters
After the shadow day, and review of the applicant’s file, a decision letter will be emailed. If an offer is extended, instructions to accept and enroll the student will be received by email. A non-refundable enrollment fee of $1075.00 will be required to enroll.
High Schools Attended
The Bay School of San Francisco | Convent of the Sacred Heart | Immaculate Conception Academy | International High School | Lick-Wilmerding High School | Lowell High School | Archbishop Riordan High School | Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory | St. Ignatius College Preparatory | Stuart Hall High School | University High School | The Urban School of San Francisco | And More!

Contact NDV School
École Notre Dame des Victoires
659 Pine Street
San Francisco, CA 94108
ph 415.421.0069
Contact NDV Church
Église Notre Dame des Victoires
566 Bush Street
San Francisco, CA 94108
ph 415.397.0113
More Information
NDV is a member of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, the Western Catholic Educational Association, the CSJ Educational Network, and the Society of Mary.