Consider becoming a Patron and receive a Bal de Paris package that will ensure that you have the most wonderful evening. All proceeds will go to funding the needs of the NDV community and the school’s needs.
Every sponsor of the Bal de Paris will receive tickets to the Bal de Paris, recognition in Bal de Paris program and on the step and repeat. All proceeds will go to funding the needs of the NDV community and the school’s needs.
Thank you for your interest
This year’s Fund-A-Need is something every member can appreciate: the outdoor restroom! The outdoor restroom will be receiving a major glow-up with new state of the art automatic toilets, up to date faucets, mirrors, and tiling. All proceeds donated from Fund-A-Need go to this project. Please support our school by making a secure 100% tax deductible donation now.
Raffle Tickets
Buy raffle tickets to support NDV and win cash prizes at the Bal!
$1500 for 1st prize, $500 for 2nd prize and $250 for 3rd prize
Students choose from the prize table for every $100 in tickets sold.